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Andrews Bible Commentary
Andrews Bible Commentary The Andrews Bible Commentary is a companion to the Andrews Study Bible . Together they provide a remarkably comprehensive and concise Bible study resource. You will be led to a life of service for Christ and the hope of His soon return. The Andrews ...
Artikel-Nr.: 5001z
39,90 €
Stefan Höschele
Adventist Interchurch Relations
Ausgabe in englischer Sprache Adventist interchurch relations This book presents the first extensive study of the history and logic of Adventist interdenominational relationships. Seventh-day Adventists have viewed ecumenical endeavours at large with a considerable degree of ...
Artikel-Nr.: 35039
65,00 €
Børge Schantz and Reinder Bruinsma (Editors)
Festschrift in Honour of Dr. Jan PaulsenExploring the Frontiers of Faith
Eine Festschrift für Jan Paulsen, den ehemaligen 19. Präsidenten der adventistischen Weltkirchenleitung (1999-2010), anlässlich seines 75. Geburtstags. (ENGLISCH)
Artikel-Nr.: 118
10,00 €
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